How do I contact you?
Call Kim Watters at (202) 841.7166 or email
Do your services include this or that?
We work out the specifics for each proposal. Our action plans are customized according to the client’s needs and goals. See a typical SOW
Do you work on commission or contingency?
We are paid on an hourly basis and receive payment for services rendered. Our rates are based upon the resource level and services required. In all cases our rates are fair and competitive.
Where will you do your work?
Virtually if we can, but we’ll go to your office if you like. Our secure, online collaborative platform allows our clients to access information and participate in critical tasks regardless of geographical or time constraints.
Have you bid on work at ____ agency?
We have managed proposals for our clients at almost every agency and department in the Federal space. Please give us a call if you have a specific agency that you’d like to inquire about.
We have secured major Federal contracts with numerous agencies, including U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, GSA, Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, Treasury Department, HUD, SBA, the State Department, CMS, DLA, FDA, NASA, WMATA